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City Departments

Architectural Review Board

​In 1993 with the passage of an ordinance establishing the Architectural Review Board, Stanford became one of the two-thousand communities across the nation which chose to protect historic buildings through the designation of local historic districts and landmarks.

Within the city limits of Stanford are historic dwellings from late eighteenth century, the era in which the community was founded.  This area includes Victorian commercial buildings, and early twentieth century neighborhoods with tree-lined streets.

The Stanford City Council determined that the distinctive architecture of Stanford was of vital importance to the economy and the historic character of the community.  The Architectural Review Board recommends local historic districts and landmarks to the City of Stanford for designation.  The Board also assists the owners of landmarks and properties in local historic districts in the preservation and rehabilitation of buildings through the review of designs for proposed exterior changes, new construction, and demolition.

Board Members:

  • Cindy Peck - Chairman
  • Pam Cox - Co-Chairman
  • Brian Duncan​
  • Jackie Pence
  • Garlan Vanhook, Architect